

1《京华烟云》是林语堂旅居巴黎时,于1938年8月至1939年8月间用英文写就的长篇小说,英文书名为《Moment in Peking》,《京华烟云》是他转译为中文后的书名,也有译本将这本书译为《瞬息京华》,1939年发布首版英文版。《京华烟云》讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义和团运动到抗日战争三十多年间的悲欢离合到此结束了?。

≥▂≤ 试试语音朗读:

1京华烟云英文版.docx,文档从互联网中收集,已重新修正排版, word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of the Matajen Hutung, a street i




1京华烟云英文版(部分)momentinpeking.pdf 关闭预览想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文免费在线预览全文 Chapter 1 Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined  It was the morning of the twe等我继续说。


3京华烟云英文版(部分)moment_in_peking.doc,Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of the Matajen Hutung, a street in the East of City of Peking, part of the mules and carts e



1京华烟云英文版文档从互联网中收集,已重新修正排版,word 格式支持编辑,如有帮助欢迎下载支持。Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of the Matajen Hutung, a street in the East of City of Peking, part of好了吧!

˙▽˙ 试试语音朗读:


0京华烟云英文版(部分)momentinpeking.doc,Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of the Matajen Hutung, a street in the East of City of Peking, part of the mules and carts ext



1Chapter 1 It was the morning of the twentieth of July, 1900. A party of mule carts were lined up at the western entrance of the Matajen Hutung, a street in the East of City of Peking, part of the mules and carts extending to the alley running north and south along the pink walls等会说。

╯^╰ 试试语音朗读:

0《京华烟云》是林语堂旅居巴黎时,于1938年8月至1939年8月间用英文写就的长篇小说,英文书名为《Moment in Peking》《京华烟云》是他转译为中文后的书名,也有译本将这本书译为《瞬息京华》1939年发布首版英文版。《京华烟云》讲述了北平曾、姚、牛三大家族从1901年义还有呢?



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